RTF kurs - "Caries: Do you still drill or do you infiltrate?"

Rogaland tannlegeforening inviterer til kurs!

Tid: 11. april, kl. 18.30 - 21.30

Sted: Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel

Foredragsholder: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Meyer-Lückel


  • Påmelding NTF medlem kr 1 250,00
  • Påmelding ikke medlem kr 1 450,00

Om kurset

The appearance of caries has changed significantly in recent decades. Lesions cavitating into the dentin occur less frequently, while earlier stages of caries are still widely observed. Initial lesions should be detected and documented using appropriate diagnostic tools in order to select a therapy that is as minimal interventional as possible. But which procedures and tools are accurate and reliable? Since the introduction of caries infiltration, the removal of carious enamel is no longer appropriate in many cases. Non-invasive methods should be balanced with micro-invasive (i.e., resin infiltration technique) and invasive strategies.

Foredraget holdes på engelsk

Målgruppe: Tannleger og tannpleiere​​​​.

Påmelding: Påmelding skjer via deltager.no

Påmeldingsfrist 28. mars 2024

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Om kursholder:

Hendrik Meyer-Lückel studied dentistry in Gießen, Germany (1992-1997) and received his PhD (Promotion) in 2000 from Freiburg University. From 2000-2008 he worked as Assistant Professor at Charité, Berlin. His research focus is in cariology, and he was qualified academically on the devolvement of the caries infiltration technique (Habilitation 2008). After achieving a master’s degree in public health (MPH) in 2009, he appointed as Associate Professor in Kiel. From 2012-2017 he was Head of Department of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry at Aachen University and since 2017 he is Head of Department of Operative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry in Bern, Switzerland

Sist oppdatert: 16. januar 2024