Vintermøte med Tif Qureshi - 40 plasser på Nermo

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Alignment, bleaching og bonding
- Estetisk, funksjonelt, trygt og langsiktig

Tannlege og kursholder: Dr. Tif Qureshi

Tif Qureshi qualified from Kings College London in 1992. He is a private practitioner based near London, Uk and is one of the Past Presidents of the Brisish Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is a clinical director of IAS Academy, an International faculty that provides mentored education for general dentists on a pathway from appropriate simple to comprehensive restoratively focused orthodontics. Tif has an interest truly minimally invasive restorative dentistry. He has committed his life's work to empowering dentists to offer a wide variety of treatments to many more patients. Tif was the original pioneer of the concept of Alignment Bleaching, Bonding and Progressive Smile Design and teaches this widely using clear aligners. He is also an experienced teacher in the Dahl concept to assist in minimally invasive, patient-centred dentistry. Tif lectures extensively internationally and has had many articles published on all these subjects.

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Praktisk info

Tid: 18. og 19. februar 2023
Sted: Nermo Hotell, Øyer, Nermosvegen 56, 2636 Øyer

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Maks 40 plasser

Kursavgift. Faktureres av Oppland Tannlegeforening (OTF)

Pris OTF-medlem: kr 3.495 per pers.
Pris NTF-medlem: kr 3.995 per pers.
Pris ikke-medlem: kr 4.995 per pers.

Overnatting m/fullpensjon. Betales direkte til hotellet.
Enkeltrom kr 3.540 per pers/natt
Dobbeltrom kr 3.240 per pers/natt

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Sist oppdatert: 17. februar 2023